fa4608 "Feve" French vintage ornaments, Xmas cake ornaments (75 available)
fa4608 "Feve" French vintage ornaments, Xmas cake ornaments (75 available)
Vintage French 'Feves' Tiny Nativity Scene in Porcelain. What charming little things these figures are. These tiny figures, made of porcelain, are found in a type of French cake called a Galette de Roi traditionally served in homes all over France on 12th night. A 'feve' ( so called because originally a bean of that name was used as the 'favour') are baked inside the cake much as are the trinkets found traditionally in wedding cakes in England. When the cake is cut the person who receives the slice with the 'feve' inside is declared 'king' or Queen and wears a special gold paper crown for the evening. Getting them out of chores or they can be presented with a gift, your choice. Originally (beginning in the 17th cent.) porcelain feves were always the Christ child but over the years they have come to include all sorts of figures though most often until the mid-20th century they were figures from the manger scene. Now all sorts of figures are seen...from Walt Disney characters to Hello Kitty and now sometimes in composition or even plastic...but ours are all traditional figures in porcelain. And just as there are legions of enthusiastic collectors in France of post cards and champagne bottle tops, so are there 'Feves Collectors' as the older ones are quite rare and sought after. Warning #Please use a fork when eating cake so you don't inadvertently swallow the trinket!