Celebrations and Jubilations!!
The following day the phone rang and a very different Claire was on the receiving end, sounding breathless and excited. Your offer has been eexeepteed she said! I cannot beleeeeve it she cried!
I tried to be calm, although my heart was hammering against my chest so strongly I could hardly breathe!
I calmly said my thank you’s to Clair and dropped the phone to jump into Nics arms.
We hugged and cried, screamed and panicked all at the same time.
I felt like I was in some sort of twilight zone after so many months of looking,
our dream had almost become a reality
Now we have 3 long months of anticipation before the papers are checked by the mayor, the taxes are paid and the legal jargon is ironed out. We will be living on baked beans, toast and crossed fingers for the next 6 months!